Friday 19 August 2011

Day 14. 2 weeks.

Sorry for my lack of updates, I've been busy working and answering lots of emails :)

So, 2 weeks on, and I have some results.
Some have completely gone, only leaving lightly coloured skin, others are still in the process of raising, others are just small flat circular spots.
Here are some pictures for you.
Compare them to the first pictures I took.
The first picture you can clearly see the area(s) of improved skin.
I suspect that within possibly a month, this whole area will be clean and fordyce-free.
Keep the emails coming!

Another picture, sorry about the lighting.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stephen,

    It is great to see that you have been able to document your findings to help cure SP. I'm having a lot of people ask me on with many thousands of people searching each month. Would you be interested in writing up a more indepth version and publishing your findings on the site? Please get in touch and I hope that it is working for you. Best regards, Mike
