Thursday 11 August 2011

Day 7. 1 week on.

So it's been a week since my first of four treatments of hyferaction. Let's see how it's going.
Okay, so all the big scabs are gone, however the ordeal is not over yet, as you can still see these bumps, "What's going on!?!?!"
What's going on is all the puss and oil is going to the surface of the skin, slowly flaking off, that's why some of these are bright pink, its where the skin is being irritated and the glans are dyeing.
You can see right in the middle at the top that there is a completely clear patch of skin, in 3-4 weeks time, this is what that whole pink area should look like, apart from the ones that were not hyferacted properly.
Email me with any questions, I will post more updates in the coming days.

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