Friday 5 August 2011

Day 2.

The day after surgery, there was no pain, only irritation from clothing on the newly formed scabs, pictured below.
8.30 am
Overnight the scabs had worsened, however this is normal, as it means the sebaceous gland is dead, and clearing everything out - kinda like a burst blood vessel.

Looks like one of the glands at the top wasn't hyferacted properly.
More scabbing has appeared, some of them are starting to itch.
Occasional throbbing sensation.
Irritating, but no pain.

9.30 pm
Scabbing has become more violent, however the skin in the area is less irritated.


  1. Dude so glad you are doing this if all goes well this could help so many of us!!! Will be watching daily.

  2. What's the safest way of doing this by yourself?
